CBox … Tool or Application (english)

Jan 7, 2020 | Allgemein, CBox, ISH-Apps und -Tools

CBox is a new plugin for AutoCAD as well as for BricsCAD which includes a lot of functionality as well as helping to work with more efficiency and quality.

The main advantages are:

  • additional functions missing in CAD systems
  • scripting
  • dwg-audit and reporting
  • work in a structured way, supporting different drawing structures
  • and a lot more …

Who ever knows our company knows that all our applications are based on feedback from our users and customers. This feedback, these wishes are the base for a big list of tools, small to large, but all helping to get issues and questions of our customers solved or at least helping to get the job done faster and with higher quality.

CBox is a set of these tools, a set of plugins grown in the last 2 decades of development and engineering. But contrary to having each tool as a separate file, differently to handle, differently to load and update, CBox holds all these functions in one very simple user interface, easy to use, easy to update and with a lot of functions.

We have prepared a video, which shows the  basic steps how CBox works and how you can get the most out of it. But please keep in mind, to show each of the (currently about) 200 functions would need a video with more than a day or two. We have reduced it to a minimum, so please keep in mind: if you have any questions please get in contact with us, we love to support and help you with your questions!!!

Back to the question “tool or application”

Well, based on the man-power for all these embedded tools it is a power application, it is so flexible, it can load different modules on the fly, it can update modules while starting the application (so you always have the newest functions available) … all together: looks really like a big application.

If, well, not if you look to the price … IT’s FREE, the main module and most of the built-in functionality is really free, free for personal use, free for commercial use.

So download CBox, install CBox, use CBox … it is so great and gives you so many advantages!

Why are we doing this. Well, the answer could be as simple as it is: it is more efficient now for us to have one user interface and each new tool we put into CBox does not need the development of it’s own UI which makes it much easier and cheaper to create new tools. So it’s a WIN-WIN situation for the customer and us as developer.

OK, time to download and install, or are there any reasons to not use CBox?

Please find download-link and instructions for installation in this blog:

In case you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact us (office@hollaus.at) and we do our best to get your questions answered as quick as possible!

Kindest regards and have a great success with CBox, Alfred NESWADBA


ISH-Solutions GmbH

Als erfahrener Anwender von AutoCAD seit der Version 1.4 bringt er eine Fülle an Kenntnissen und Fachkompetenz mit. Derzeit fungiert er nicht nur als Trainer, sondern auch als Entwickler für Applikationen, die auf AutoCAD, Map3D, Civil3D, InfraWorks und Design-Review basieren. Seine Tätigkeiten umfassen die Entwicklung von Tools und Anwendungen für Facility Management, Geodäsie und Verkehr, von Verkehrsschildern bis zur Schleppkurvenberechnung. Darüber hinaus ist er spezialisiert auf Raumplanung für Ziviltechniker, Gemeinden und Landesregierungen. Sein Beitrag erstreckt sich auch auf die Visualisierung und Animation von Civil-Projekten mit 3DS-Max sowie den Viewer unserer Facility Management-Applikation.

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